
Presentations at Conferences and Congresses

16th ICIS Asian Base Oils and Lubricants Conference, Fairmont Hotel, Singapore – 27-29th June 2024 – Presented by Mike Boyer, Director, SAIL
In this webinar representatives from ATIEL, UEIL and Carbon Minds described:

– Why we need a global PCF standard for lubricants and specialities
– How the PCF methodology was developed
– The key elements of the methodology, including the product system boundaries, the scope/declared unit, data collection and alignment / harmonisation with other industry methodologies (for example, TfS’s ‘The PCF Methodology for the Chemical Industry’)
EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability – 30th November – Presented by Otto Linher, European Commission
XIII International Scientific and Technical Conference – Starachowice, Poland – 23th-25th October 2023 – Presented by Piotr Niemiec, Coordinator , Technology Dept, LOTOS Oil
18th October 2023
Interview with ATIEL’s President, Marco Digioia
Policies and technologies driving green transition in lubricants – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – 17th-18th October 2023. Presented by Marco Digioia, President of ATIEL
ATIEL & ACI Webinar – EELQMS – Promoting and safeguarding engine lubricant quality. Presented by Marco Digioia (ATIEL President), David Wright (UKLA Director General), Mike Boyer (Director SAIL) and Usha Ladd (Sr Project Leader Shell)
Lubricant Expo 2023, Messe Essen, Germany – 26th-28th September 2023. Presented by Piotr Niemiec, Coordinator, LOTOS Oil
27th ICIS World Base Oil & Lubricants Conference, Windsor – 3-5th May 2023. Presented by David Wright, Director General, UKLA
Insights into API and European approaches to interchange guidelines and tests, the options for running European interchange projects, a case study, as well as views on industry hurdles and future initiatives.
Update on ACEA Engine Oil Sequences by Patrick Vernon, Director Exxonmobil
Promoting and safeguarding engine lubricant quality by Marco Digioia, President of ATIEL
“Regulatory Compliance for Chemicals on the Global Markets” by Sabine Hausmann, Head of Global EH&S, FUCHS Petrolub SE.
“Evolving Interchange Guidelines and Tests” by Adri van deVen, Director, Kuwait Petroleum Research & Technology B.V.,The Netherlands.
“The automotive industrial value chain: challenges and trends or Towards new vehicle emissions legislation in Europe” Panagiota Dilara, DG GROW.
Promoting and safeguarding engine lubricant quality by Marco Digioia, President of ATIEL
“Benefits of signing the LoC. 2018 update” by Piotr Niemiec, Technical Coordinator Lotos Oil.
“Monitoring engine lubricant quality in the market” by Piotr Niemiec, Technical Coordinator Lotos Oil.
“Understanding and complying with European engine lubricant quality standards” by Carl Stow, PCMO Manager Shell Lubricants.
“Responding to technical and quality challenges impacting European engine lubricants “by Maria Yagoda, Head of Division, QEM Product Development, LLK-International (Lukoil)
Safeguarding quality in European automotive engine lubricants Adri van de Ven, Technical Coordinator, Kuwait Petroleum
Safeguarding quality in European automotive engine lubricants by Peter Tjan, President of ATIEL
Protecting European engine lubricant quality standards-Peter Tjan, President
Safeguarding the quality of European automotive engine lubricants-Peter Tjan, President
Promoting quality across the European engine lubricants industry-Peter Tjan, President
The ATIEL Code of Practice, Adri van de Ven, Kuwait Petroleum – Product Development Manager
The new ATIEL Code of Practice, Adri van de Ven, Kuwait Petroleum – Product Development Manager and Peter Tjan, President
European Engine Lubricant Quality Management System (EELQMS)-Jan Trocki
EELQMS and the ATIEL Code of Practice- Dr. Mike Wharton –ATIEL Secretary General